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Vuvuzela - South Africa's Earful

New scandal abounds regarding the Vuvuzela we discovered and fell in love with last month, (See our Vuvuzela post from last month if you want to catch up).

It now seems that there are killjoys out there who wish to see the unholy sounding South African Vuvuzela banned from the World Cup 2010. Serious concerns about the affect it has on players, as well as the ear drums of bystanders, have been raised. Football enthusiasts are split into two camps: those for banning the Vuvuzela from the World Cup, and those who think it will add a local flavor to the mix.

Apparently, tens of tousands of fans are blowing the Vuvuzela in unison, create noise similar to what you'd expect to hear during Armageddon.

When quizzed about the Vuvuzela, a Capetonian I know told me, "At point blank range, a blast to the ear with the Vuvzela causes the red blood cells in your brain to ignite". I can't work out whether that is an endorsement or cautionary tale.

Vuvuzela World Cup 2010

Jokes aside, the Vuvuzela may be noisy and irritating, but it seems a huge part of South African football culture. Blowing the Vuvuzela is how fans show their support and excitement. No matter how many 'Ban The Vuvuzela' blogs emerge on the net, they will not be ousted from the 2010 World Cup. That would be like going to the Oktoberfest in Munich and telling the Oompah Band to shut it.

However, a solution is in sight - a set of Vuvuzela-shaped earplugs for Zela-haters. "A prototype, high-quality vuvuzela-shaped earplug, which comes in various colours, is in the final stage of completion," Africa Earplug Company spokesman, Andrew Chin.

The earplugs will protect sensitive ear drums and allow Vuvuzelas to take their rightful place, at the lips of fans. When inserted correctly, the Vuvuzela Ear Plugs will block out a good percentage of the noise, keeping you focused on the game.

What's more, they can be reused as 'Shrek Ears' at costume parties down the line.

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Clayton Truscott

Clayton Truscott

Clayton is a comfortable traveller, having grown up in a small city that was far away from everything. He spent lots of time in the car as a child, driving up and down the coast of South Africa on surfing trips with his family. After studying abroad in the United States and spending a year working in London, he moved to Cape Town, where he completed a Master's Degree in Creative Writing. He now works as a freelance writer for various travel, surfing and action sports publications.