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The Lone JCB At Gatwick

This wrath of frozen fury from mother-nature has been frustrating: flight delays, train delays, bus delays, you name it. Even getting out of bed is somewhat delayed when you stick your toe out from under the blankets, only to be greeted by a feeling that the world has slipped into a new ice-age. Anyway, the snow has brought Gatwick Airport to a halt and that's not so funny.

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Travellers are missing out, flights are grounded and airlines are suffering massive losses - which is why I found the pictures of the one lone JCB clearing the runways at Gatwick hilarious. I understand we come from a tradition of, "fight the good fight." And in the words of Churchill, "We will never surrender." But really? Second biggest airport in the UK and we have one, not two, but one JCB doing the impossible?

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Then there's quiet Sweden, doing their thing in ever snowy Scandinavia by the hammer of the Viking God Thor. Swedes know how to clear snow! They have come a long way from flat-bottomed boats to where they are now. After seeing the absolute monster-machines they have clearing their runways (see above), you find yourself thinking, "Not fair! Why are they so geared up to deal with this and we aren't? I'm going to complain."

I've realised the laugh is actually on Stockholm. Why? Well, all those snow-demolishing machines are brilliant, providing clear runways to planes for take off, but until our bloke in his JCB clears the runways here, they won't have anywhere in Gatwick to land! I salute you JCB driver; keep ploughing, soldier.

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Clayton Truscott

Clayton Truscott

Clayton is a comfortable traveller, having grown up in a small city that was far away from everything. He spent lots of time in the car as a child, driving up and down the coast of South Africa on surfing trips with his family. After studying abroad in the United States and spending a year working in London, he moved to Cape Town, where he completed a Master's Degree in Creative Writing. He now works as a freelance writer for various travel, surfing and action sports publications.