Your Trip, Our Expertise.


Your Travel in 2011

2010 has been a long and wild year in the travel industry. There has been a Football World Cup in South Africa, the Winter Olympics in Canada, a volcanic cloud of ash floating over Iceland, airline strikes and a general election...

With '10 almost wrapped up, we want to hear your thoughts on the year ahead. Where and how do you plan to go on holiday in 2011? Who do you want to travel with and how far are you willing to go for a great holiday?

Take our survey and tell us about what you have planned for 2011.

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Clayton Truscott

Clayton Truscott

Clayton is a comfortable traveller, having grown up in a small city that was far away from everything. He spent lots of time in the car as a child, driving up and down the coast of South Africa on surfing trips with his family. After studying abroad in the United States and spending a year working in London, he moved to Cape Town, where he completed a Master's Degree in Creative Writing. He now works as a freelance writer for various travel, surfing and action sports publications.