Your Trip, Our Expertise.


And The Winner Is...

Ladies and gents, thank you to everyone who sent in captions to the 'Love At First Bite/ Cardiff History And Hauntings Best Caption Competition'. There were some crackers, some duds, a few that were so rude they made us blush and couldn't be published...


The winner of the scariest Ghost Tour in the UK, plus a meal for two at the incredible Mulberry Street Restaurant, is Claire:

As lizzie practiced her Katherine Jenkin's impression.....she had that nagging feeling that something wasn't right!

Congratulations Claire! We'll be in touch shortly to award your prizes.

We'd like to say a massive THANK YOU to Jim from Cardiff History And Hauntings and to Geraint from Mulberry Street Restaurant, for their generosity.

If you haven't already seen, Essential Travel are giving away more fantastic prizes. To win a pair of VIP tickets to the awesome, We, The People Festival, all you need to do is follow @EssentialTravel and RT our post about the festival. For full details, check out our blog post about it.

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Clayton Truscott

Clayton Truscott

Clayton is a comfortable traveller, having grown up in a small city that was far away from everything. He spent lots of time in the car as a child, driving up and down the coast of South Africa on surfing trips with his family. After studying abroad in the United States and spending a year working in London, he moved to Cape Town, where he completed a Master's Degree in Creative Writing. He now works as a freelance writer for various travel, surfing and action sports publications.